In the wake of a devastating incident where three IAS aspirants lost their lives due to flooding in a basement library in Delhi’s Rajinder Nagar, civic authorities have commenced bulldozer operations to clear encroachments blocking drains and exacerbating waterlogging issues.
A video shared by news agency ANI depicted an earthmover actively removing cement blocks that obstructed the drains.
Students, outraged by the deaths and critical of the civic authorities’ negligence, view this action as insufficient and delayed. “All this is for show,” commented one protester.
The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) faces significant backlash after the tragic loss of two women, aged 25, and a 28-year-old man who were trapped in the basement library of Rau’s IAS Study Circle. It has come to light that the library was operating illegally, as the basement was designated solely for parking and storage.
also read : Tragic Loss: UPSC Aspirant Tanya Soni’s Dreams Cut Short by Delhi Flooding
Approximately 20 students were present in the library on that rainy Saturday evening when water surged in. The basement had only one entry and exit, and some reports indicate that the flooding compromised the biometric authentication system, trapping the students inside. While 17 students were rescued, three drowned. The victims have been identified as Tanya Soni, Shreya Yadav, and Navin Dalwin. The incident has sparked widespread outrage, with students accusing the civic authorities of ignoring repeated warnings about the dangers posed by blocked drains and encroachments.
In response to the tragedy, the MCD has sealed 13 IAS coaching centers for violating building norms. Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi has initiated an inquiry to determine if any MCD officials were negligent in their duties.