A tragic incident has occurred at Mumbai’s Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), where a student was found dead in his rented apartment. The deceased, Anurag Jaiswal, originally from Lucknow, was enrolled in the Human Resource program at TISS.
According to police reports, Anurag attended a party in Vashi on Friday night with around 150 other students. Sources reveal that he consumed a significant amount of alcohol during the event. After returning home, Anurag felt unwell, but his roommates did not initially realize the severity of his condition.
The following morning, when Anurag did not wake up, his concerned roommates rushed him to a hospital in Chembur. Unfortunately, he was pronounced dead upon arrival.
The police have ruled out any possibility of ragging after questioning his roommates. An accidental death report has been filed, and the authorities are currently conducting an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the tragedy.
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Anurag’s family in Lucknow has been notified and has requested that the postmortem be delayed until their arrival in Mumbai.
This incident highlights the importance of awareness and caution regarding alcohol consumption, especially among young adults in social settings.