A major change occurred on November 8, when India’s three-decade-old ban on Salman Rushdie’s controversial book ‘The Satanic Verses’ was essentially lifted. When the Delhi High Court heard a 2019 case contesting the import ban it concluded that the government could not produce the 1988 original decision banning the book.
A global emblem of conflict over freedom of expression and religious sensitivity. The book was banned due to accusations of blasphemy made by Muslim groups.
Salman Rushdie, an Indian-British author, published the fourth book, The Satanic Verses, in 1988, it instantly created disturbance . Many Muslims found the book to be extremely disrespectful to the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran. The book was inspired by Islamic history.
Critics accused Rushdie of making fun of religious beliefs, and protests broke out all across the globe.
The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini, declared the book intolerable and issued a fatwa in 1989 against for Salman Rushdie. The fatwa forced him into hiding. He remained in seclusion for over a decade..
The 1988 ban in India, which was prompted by concerns about maintaining intercommunal unity in a country with a sizable Muslim minority, was one of the first foreign reactions to the book for many Muslims, the book remains a stinging reminder of what they see to be a purposeful assault on their faith. The book has always sparked debates on the limits of free speech, respect for religious views and creative freedom.
Rushdie was severely injured in an incident that occurred during a public speech in New York in August 2022. The incident made his vision monocular. This event sparks the debate over internet and divided the social media in two parts.
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