Sunita Kejriwal, wife of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, expressed her deep disappointment on Thursday, revealing that no national flag was hoisted at the chief minister’s residence. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), she lamented, “Today, the National Flag was not hoisted at the CM’s residence. It is very sad. This dictatorship can keep an elected chief minister in jail but how can it contain the patriotism of the heart.”
This expression of dismay comes after the Supreme Court denied interim bail to Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday. The case involves allegations of corruption related to the controversial excise policy scam, which has been under investigation by the CBI.
also read : Supreme Court Denies Interim Bail to Arvind Kejriwal
The Supreme Court, led by Justices Surya Kant and Ujjal Bhuyan, stated, “We are not granting any interim bail. We issue notice.” The court has given the CBI until August 23 to respond to Kejriwal’s plea.