West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee took an unexpected step by visiting protesting doctors on Saturday. They have been staging a sit-in over the tragic rape and murder of a trainee doctor. The protests, held at Swasthya Bhavan, began last month, and several attempts to hold discussions have been unsuccessful.
Banerjee, addressing the protesters, sympathized with their grievances and acknowledged the emotional toll. Despite the hostile atmosphere, she asked for five minutes to speak, showing her support for their cause. She assured them of the government’s commitment to justice for the victim, Tilottama.
West Bengal Chief Minister urged the medics to return to their duties. She promised to review their demands and work with top officials to ensure fair treatment. “Action will be taken against those found guilty,” she said. Banerjee requested time to consider their demands, offering her personal assurance for an expedited investigation.
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While she empathized with the doctors, she also highlighted the distress caused to patients due to the ongoing strike. She pleaded for them to resume their duties, emphasizing that their families and patients needed them. “I know how much you work. Please return to work,” she appealed.
Banerjee’s conciliatory tone sought to reassure the protesters, but the doctors maintained their stance, demanding a transparent, live-streamed meeting with the government. They emphasized their call for justice and accountability in this critical situation.
Despite Banerjee’s efforts, the protests have not yet reached a resolution. However, her visit was a significant move towards bridging the gap between the government and the medical community.